Board Meeting Minutes

ITLA Board Minutes 11/02/2024

ITLA General Membership Minutes 11/02/2024

Roll call of the board by Secretary Lake

All present with the exception of Mike Metcalfe and Terry Brink

Mr Hammersky, Mr Henderson, Mr Kott and Mr Johnson attending by call in.

Newly elected board members present were Mr. Oliver, Mr. Casey and Mr. Kroeker

Outgoing President Russel Freeman opened in prayer

Minutes of previous meeting read.

Motion to accept by Dr Sabio 2nd by Doug Burris  (Unanimous)

President Freeman related former issues with bookkeeping had been addressed by himself and Dr Sabio who presented the treasurers report to include visual graphs of finances over the past 6 months along with financial trends with the ITLA budget. YTD totals have stayed consistent although month to month shows highs and lows.

President Freeman discussed the need for releasing the 3 mo CD to fund the Championship show prior to all income from the show.

Dr Sabio told the membership that the next step was an updated budget for ITLA and that bylaws required it be presented within 30 days and board approved within 45 days.

Mike Tomey moved to accept the treasurers report, 2nd by Mr Moxley (unanimous)

President elect Brad Westmoreland discussed by law changes needed including:

Timeline to announce meetings, International directorship bylaw clean up, nominating committee rules, conflict of interest policy, board candidate screening, disciplinary action clean up and annual budget requirement.

Changes had been approved by the board but required membership approval to continue.

Joe Dickinson questioned if the rule of two past president being on the nominating committee was in the bylaws and noted the need for that to keep historical information available. The consensus was that the board had voted for that but not put in bylaws.

Gordon Musgrove moved to approve all by law changes, 2nd by Stan Searle. (Motion passed)

No Old Business

New business:

There was a question from the membership about judge bias toward certain exhibitors. President Freeman addressed the question with the ITLA requirements to be a certified judge and the boards confidence in both the system and the judges. The board promised to continue to monitor judge performance.

Motion to adjourn by Mr Henderson, 2nd by Dr Sabio.

ITLA Board of Directors meeting 11/02/2024

Roll call by Secretary Lake, (no changes)

President elect Westmoreland brought an official thank you to president Freeman for his service to the board over the last year and a half.

An amended (abbreviated) version of the board oath was explained by secretary Lake as a better option for swearing in new members. After a question from Mr Seamon, new members were added to the board including Mr Westmoreland as president, Mr Dickinson as Vice President, Mr Casey as director, Mr Oliver as Director and Mr Kroeker as director.

President Westmoreland asked the boards approval of his appointments for the executive committee:

Himself as president (per bylaw)

Mr Dickinson as V.P.  (per bylaw)

Director Mike Tomey

Director Larry Smith

Director Keith Berkley

Motion by former President Freeman, 2nd by Mr Casey (unanimous)

Motion to retain Mr Lake as board secretary by Mr Freeman, 2nd by Dr Sabio. (Passed)

Motion to appoint Dr Keth Berkley as treasurer by Mr Tomey, 2nd by Mr Moxley. (Passed)

Discussion by Dr Sabio to convert ITLA form a 501 c-5 to a 501 c-3 to allow better tax advantages. Decision to appoint a committee of himself, Dr Berkely and Doug Burris to investigate the process. Motion by Mr Seamon, 2nd by Mr Dickinson. (Passed)

Discussion about the 2025 Lone Star show to include allowing an affiliate to take over the show as soon as feasible. (No action)

Discussion surrounding the 2025 Championship show venue. No action

Mr Hammersky discussed a possible photo/video format for showing international cattle and the requirements for entries that are not ITLA registered. (No action)

Motion to approve current committee chairs by Secretary Lake, 2nd by Mr Dickinson.

Formal announcement of next board meeting to be held 12/17/2024 by zoom call.

Motion to adjourn by Mr Lake 2nd by Mr Freeman

ITLA minutes

ITLA Board Minutes 12/17/2024

I. Invocation – Larry Smith
II. Call to Order – President Westmoreland
III. Roll Call – Pam (since Gary was late) (I think all present except Moxley, Tomey and Kott with Lake being tardy )
IV. Establish quorum – President Westmoreland
V. Recognition of guests Darol Dickinson , Craig Perez, Morgan Minchew, Stan Searle
VI. Establish/set agenda – President Westmoreland
VII. Acceptance of minutes from General membership and last meeting. President Westmoreland explained the error in Exec committee which was corrected in the minutes as Larry Smith instead of Gary Lake. Motion to approve both sets of minutes from the general membership meeting and the board meeting by Joel Dickinson, seconded by Gary Lake (passed)
VIII. Acceptance of financial statements as presented by Dr Sabio. Motion by Justin Sabio, second by Gary lake (passed)
IX. Discussion of tabled item: International (only) Show – Micha Hamersky Several ideas presented by Mr Hammersky including new entry fees, expanded classes and open to all Longhorns. Motion to move forward and form a committee by Dr Berkley second by Gary lake (passed)
X. Report on 2024 International Championship Show – Pam Kinsel-Hughes Successful Champ show but no hard details yet….coming soon.
XI. Reports from Committee Chairs
a. Drover Oversight – Brad Westmoreland. Discussion around another annual printed Drover with a motion for the committee to move ahead with plans by Jeremy Johnson, seconded by Lake (passed)
b. Futurity – John Oliver (no report yet, committee will meet after the holidays)
c. Computer/Website – Craig Perez. Craig reported that line items in the IT contract were yet to be completed. A question about website updates was answered by Pam and Craig concerning ‘Kyle’ who is under annual contract for support. It was suggested that country codes might be worth while due to increasing international members.
d. By-Laws Committee – Brett Kot (no report)
e. Youth Committee – Meagan Minchew. A very energetic Meagan reported great things happening with youth election of officers coming up, address books made for active and inactive members and a longer cycle this year due to a late start on electing officers.
f. Beef Committee – Travis Casey. Travis reported some ideas for beef promotion but has not met with committee members as of yet.
g. Marketing and Events Committee – Gary Lake. No report as yet….. new budget item of $7500 will get the committee rolling after the holidays.
h. ‘25 & ‘26 International Championship Shows Comm. – Dr. Justin Sabio. The venue is primary goal for this committee, looking at several options including Locust Grove OK. Justin reported that the Lone Star was finding judges, awards and going after sponsorships.
i. Affiliates Committee – Joel Dickinson. Joel reports that they are gathering new affiliate information to update ItLA records but no meeting of the committee yet. Larry Smith and President Westmoreland mentioned the effort to revive the Longhorn Posse as a Texas Affiliate.
j. Judges’ Approval/Selection Committee – Mike Tomey (no report)
k. Show Rules Committee – John Oliver (no report yet) President Westmoreland asked that committee chairs keep the board informed by email of any new information.
XII. Budget discussion – All Board members.A motion to approve the annual budget presented was made by Dr Sabio and seconded by Larry Smith. (Passed)
XIII. Bank account issue – Immediate Past Pres. Freeman made a motion that he be removed and that current Pres. Brad Westmoreland be added to ITLA’s bank account with First Financial Bank. Motion was seconded by Larry Smith. (Passed unanimously)
XIV. Set time and date for next meeting
XV. Adjourn

ITLA Board Minutes 1/14/2025

Meeting Called to order by President Brad Westmoreland.
Invocation by R. Freeman.
Roll Call attendees- B.Westmoreland, R.Freeman, J.Dickinson, L.Smith, K.Berkeley, M.Tomey, T.Casey, S.Seaman, C.Kroeker, J.Sabio, J.Johnson, J.Oliver, B.Kot
Absent Directors-G.Lake, M.Hamersky
Guests- Pam Kinsel Hughes, Craig Perez, Meagan Minchew, Darol Dickinson
J. Sabio makes motion to accept minutes
C.Kroeker 2nds
Larry Smith discusses age for youth elections and makes a motion for any youth in good standing to be able to run for the youth board, including youth members 18-21 years of age.
J.Johnson 2nds the motion
Motion passes unanimously.
Darol Dickinson discusses the matter to add “may be used for parentage verification” to the current AI form.
Tomey makes motion to add language
Sabio 2nds
Vote to amend form passes unanimously.
Discussion on what the AI form process would be.
S.Seaman makes a motion to implement to send information to any member that requests it.
J. Dickinson 2nds
Discussion for clarification
Motion goes to vote and fails.
Motion to table the matter by R.Freeman.
J.Dickinson 2nds
Passes unanimously.
Championship Show discussion
Champ Show Committees:
Heifer Sale- J.Dickinson, M.Tomey, B.Westmoreland
Silent Auction/Semen Raffle- J.Oliver, C.Kroeker
Youth-Meagan Minchew
Futurity- G. Lake
Judges-Judging Committee
Awards- Pam & J.Sabio
Seminar- Craig Perez
Live Auction- L.Smith
Non-Futurity Announcer/Auctioneers- B.Westmoreland, J.Johnson
Discussion about dates that will work. J.Johnson makes motion for Sep 19-20 in Lufkin if available.
S.Seaman 2nds
Passes unanimously
J.Johnson makes motion to allow Sabio & committee schedule 2026 Championship Show.
J. Oliver 2nds
Committee Reports-
Drover- B.Westmoreland discusses February Drover having New Directors Introduction.
April 29 & May 6 for the next Judging Seminar
Computer update from Craig Perez-working with Abe to get things completed.
Bylaws- B.Kot no update
Youth- Meagan Minchew no update other than extending Youth Board elections with adding older age group.
Beef- T.Casey working on Beef Producers List.
Affiliates- J.Dickinson reports there are 3 new affiliates in the works. FL, KY, TN.
Judges- M.Tomey no update
Show Rules- J.Oliver no update
J.Sabio will send email by next week with updates on Champ Show 2025 locations and Lone Star updates and then will be decided when we need another meeting.
J.Sabio motions to adjourn
L.Smith 2nds
Meeting adjourned.